Fenty Puma by Rihanna

Fenty Puma by Rihanna
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                              Spring 2013

                              Raleigh Spring 2013

                              WORDS - CLAIRE KNEBL, PHOTOS COURTESY OF RALEIGH

                              Like stepping into the closet of a well-outfitted couple, Raleigh's Spring 2013 collection includes mix-and-match separates in delicate patterns. At the brand's presentation, guys and girls alike wore shirts buttoned all the way up to the neck. The brand is currently based in the city from which it earns its name, but a store will soon open on NYC's Elizabeth Street. The spring collection features a rosy print, a wispy stripe and a faint plaid pattern. Unexpectedly, these prints are all inspired by architecture, said Sarah Lytvinenko, who designs Raleigh with her husband, Victor Lytvinenko. The light blue checker print? Adapted from graph paper. That intricate pink pattern? Actually an abstracted ferris wheel image. A pair of denim shorts looks Coachella-ready, but a white-blue fade dress, one of Sarah's favorites, has ladylike appeal. It's hard to pick just one favorite, but Sarah is drawn to a slightly slouchy pant. "Those are the pants I'm going to wear all spring," she said, pointing to a pair printed with the ferris wheel pattern. Don't mind if we do too.